"What To Expect"

BlackPlayBook seeks to re-vision "black play"as cultural production that counters gender, race and class- based oppression. As such, BlackPlayBook performs within a womanist/black feminist tradition on a "play-ground" of black performance, scholarship and activism. BlackPlayBook references a special issue of Theatre Journal v57, n4 (December 2005) that asks, "What is Black Play?"

Friday, June 28, 2013

BlackPoliticalPlay: Brittany Cooper's "Dark-skinned and plus-sized: The real Rachel Jeantel story"

Dark-skinned and plus-sized: The real Rachel Jeantel story

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that. The validity of this article is emphasized by the inference of the (obviously not especially bright) juror B47 that she felt that Racheal Jeantel was ashamed of her inability express herself, and that she wasn't a credible witness. That, when in all probability, she couldn't understand most of what Racheal said.
